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“Do I Look High?” 5 Ways To Fake Being Sober

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No one wants to look more stoned than they feel. Actually, we can’t think of any circumstance where anyone would  want to look high at all.  So what can you do to get rid of your red eyes, dry mouth and goofy face? Here’s 10 tips to get that “Say No To Drugs” glow.


5. Keep The Conversation Short

Hands down one of the best ways to not appear high around people is to not make marijuana induced statements. Saying dumb shit is a sure fire way to be outed. In fact, have fun and make a game out of it. When high and engaged in conversation, try to keep the dialogue going with no more than five words. If it’s a yes or no question, simply reply yes or no. Less is more. And whatever you do, avoid asking questions.



4. Spray Yourself

“Have you been smoking?” 

    “Why do I look high?”

“No. You just smell like weed.” – An actual conversation with a 15 year old relative.

Spraying yourself down after a smoke session is a great way to hide how high you are. The human reaction to the smell of marijuana is very similar to the reaction to seafood; welcome and pleasant when expected and highly suspicious when not expected. Either way, people are going to want to know where it’s coming from. If you’ve got the cash, then go with ‘Obsession” by Calvin Klein. It’s a classic scent that smells delicious!   But if you’re on a budget Lavender “Febreze” works just as good.


3. Eyedrops

Specifically drops made for reducing red-eyes. Your eyes will look a little glossy right after using drops, but after a minute or two your eyes will look bright and normal. Also open them a tad wider then normal, but like not cocaine wide!



2. Confidence

Just don’t even think about it. Chances are the people you’re worried about noticing may not even realize the state you’re in. They may just think you’re tired. It can be difficult, but sometimes acting like nothing’s wrong is the best way to convince people that nothing is wrong..


1.  F*** It

If all else fails just try and look high all the time. Then people will think that’s how you normally look! Also commonly known as “The Franco Method”.
