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I Took Info From Pricey Self-Help Journals So You Can Make Them Yourself

If you’re anything like me, after payday, sometimes a small voice says “Let’s go into this Gentrifier’s Clothing Depot and just browse around. Next thing you know, “I’m not going to get anything” turns into an hour of wasted time and even worse you’ve lied to yourself. You did get something. Several over priced things you really didn’t need. I always fall into this trap, especially when it comes to buying journals and notebooks.

I convince myself that keeping a journal is going to make me a better person and that I just need the right one. Never mind that I can never write in a journal consistently, when I do I usually end up losing these little books full of personal tid-bits. And journal’s can be expensive.  I personally love the one’s with writing prompts and inspirational quotes but I have found that those can cost anywhere from $25 – $30! So on a recent trip to a luxurious time-trap stationary store, I browsed through a few of these journals, took screenshots of the important pages, and have shared them here for you. I just changed up the language so I don’t get sued.


– Write your five biggest goals for the day.

– Write your five biggest tasks for the day, in order of importance.

– Write your five biggest goals for this week.

– What are your five Bad Bitch affirmations for the day?

– “Name it and claim it”: Write five things you want, will work for, & will have next year

– Right now I’m kicking ass at …

– Name the biggest highlight of your day

– How could I have made today even better?

– Weekly Wins – Things you accomplished this week

– What tasks did you fail to complete last week

– What have you learned this week?

– Where do you see yourself in five years?

– List everything that makes you happy. Is there a potential business in that list?

Keeping a daily journal full of your to-do tasks. goals, weaknesses, and growth can be kind of like a soul audit. Holding one’s self accountable is a key component of upward mobility. So grab one of those cheap ass black/white composition books from CVS and get to writing. You’re welcome!